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Submission Guidelines

2025 Guidelines Comming Soon!

01.  General

Word documents only

(.doc or .docx)

1 inch margins

Arial font, 12pt.

02.  Title

Bold font

Capitalize the first letter of each word

except prepositions, articles,

and species names

No punctuation at the end of the title unless it ends with a question mark

Insert one blank line between

Title and Authors

03.  Authors

Full first, middle, and last names

Separate author names with commas

If presenting author is not first author,

precede presenter's name with (*)

Indicate affiliation(s) with superscript numbers after each author's name

04.  Affiliations

Italicize font

Precede each affiliation by a superscript number

Include Department, Institute, City

Insert one blank line between

Affiliation and Abstract

05.  Abstract

200 word maximum

Single space

06.  Save File

Word documents only

(.doc or .docx)

Filename consists of presenter's last name and first name separated by underscores:


Note for poster presenters: Posters should be 48'' (122cm) wide by 36'' (92cm) tall

The OE3C 2025 Organizing Committee and Carleton University acknowledge that the land on which we work and study is the traditional, unceded territory of the Algonquin Anishinaabe Nation. We acknowledge the deep and meaningful traditions of knowledge, law, society, nature, and philosophy of the Indigenous peoples of this land. We recognize the historical and ongoing injustices that Indigenous people endure across Canada and affirm our commitment to honour and uplift Indigenous voices, traditions, and cultures for the future of reconciliation.

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